
Date Organisation Description
February 2014 Netzwerk Berliner Kinderpatenschaften e.V. Issue-focused mentoring/befriending using the example of education for sustainable development within mentoring/befriending programmes
June 2014 Scottish Mentoring and Network&Befriending Networks How to Develop and Run a National Project Quality Award Scheme
October 2014 Mentoring USA/Italia How to set up a mentoring/befriending intervention and the mentors/befrienders training process
March 2015 Caritas Schweiz Evaluation and Effectiveness  in Mentoring and Befriending.
July 2015 All organisations Publication and dissemination of the project final report and of the complete Handbook on Mentoring & Befriending within the partner organizations and the National Agencies

One thought on “Workshops

  1. Dear Mentoring Partners,
    we are a mentoring program from Switzerland and very much interested in joining your Workshop in March 2015. As we also participate in several ERASMUS + Projects (learning partnerships, key Action 2 in Youth in Action program etc.) it would be great to Exchange best practices in this field.
    We are looking Forward to your News :)
    best wishes,

    Verein MUNTERwegs

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