This European project called EMBEP facilitated the exchange between stakeholders from the mentoring and befriending landscape in Europe, mostly between umbrella organisations and practitioners. During the project 4 workshops were organised in the 4 partner countries (Germany, Scotland, Italy and Switzerland), where the perspectives of 7 European countries were represented; namely the Netzwerk Berliner Kinderpatenschaften […]
Lucerne Workshop Recap
“This workshop has had a great impact on me personally and I am sure that it is going to have it on my everyday work too”- commented one of the participants at the last workshop of our EMBEP programme which was held in Lucerne from the 11th to the 14th of March. We discussed the […]
Salerno Workshop Recap
Mentoring USA-Italy, is a partner of the EMBEP Project “European Mentoring and Befriending Exchange Programme”, supported by European Commission – Lifelong Learning Programme – Grundtvig. We held a workshop in Salerno, Campania Region, from 22nd to 25th October 2014, with the participation of all the partners in the project: Netzwerk Berliner Kinderpatenschaften – Germany; Befriending […]
Edinburgh Workshop Recap
The Edinburgh workshop, jointly facilitated by Befriending Networks and the Scottish Mentoring Network, was held from 25-28 June 2014 on the subject of ‘how to develop and run a national quality award scheme for mentoring/befriending programmes’. After a welcome dinner on Wednesday evening which enabled us to greet old friends and meet new faces, we […]
Berlin Workshop Recap #2
Our Scottish partners also wrote about the workshop: Early in 2013 Scottish Mentoring Network was invited along with Befriending Networks to join a new European Partnership lead by Netzwerk Berliner Kinderpatenschaften and including Mentoring USA-Italia Onlus in Salerno, and Caritas Schweiz in Lucerne, Switzerland. This project is funded by the Grundtvig Lifelong Learning programme and […]
Berlin Workshop Recap
The 27th of February marked the kick-off of the european mentoring and befriending exchange programme! The coordinator “Netzwerk Berliner Kinderpatenschaften” hosted the first meeting in Berlin. The 3-day workshop on issue-focused mentoring was a full success according to the participants: “I have been to so many workshops in different countries, but that was definitely the best […]
Together we are stronger and louder!
The European Mentoring & Befriending Exchange Programme arises from the need of mentoring & befriending coordinators to exchange their knowledge and experiences across Europe in order to increase the quality of their work, generate new ideas and find solutions to common problems. It is made possible by the Grundtvig Lifelong learning Programme. Mentoring & Befriending […]